Saturday, April 16, 2011

Food Stamps

My colleague wrote a wonderful editorial called My Whining on her blog, The Pen Wheel of Red, White and Blue.  Here is my reply to her….

Mallorie, I think you wrote a great blog and I agree with you. I will bravely admit that right now I receive food stamps (aka Lone Star card). I am recently divorced and like you I am in transition. I was a stay at home mom for 9 years. Now that I am a single mother of 3 children I know that going to school is the best thing I could do for me and my children. Working, being a full time student, plus raising 3 children was too demanding for me. I quit my job and now focus on school and my children. I have a lot of pride and walking into the Health and Human Service office and waiting in a long line to ask for help was very humbling yet humiliating for me. I did what I had to do so that I can give my children the future they deserve. With the help of the lone star card, student loans and grants, I am able to survive.

With that said, when I have to sit in line at the Health and Human Service office to turn in paperwork and things, I am appalled at what I see and hear in that place. I have actually overheard a pregnant woman with 3 small children that were all misbehaving say to another woman, “yeah this is baby number 4, I can’t wait to pop him out so I can get more money!” I have also heard a very young mom tell someone in line, “I am so mad that my baby is ugly, I never thought I was going to have an ugly baby! I regret not having that abortion.” I have sat in bewilderment asking myself why the hell I was there and how I ended up among these people.

To answer your questions, NO you don’t get drug tested, they don’t even look that hard at your income (they “trust” that you are honest-- a couple utility bills and a pay check is all they ask for to prove income and expenses), and there are no social workers watching you or your children. The people that work there seem like they all hate their jobs. I get infuriated when I think about how many people the government is enabling to be losers! Yes I am glad that there is help for people like you and I who are trying to better ourselves but unfortunately about 90% of the people getting assistance don’t look like they want to be better, they are perfectly satisfied with the money the government gives them! The system is obviously flawed, lazy people are getting help and hard working people are struggling.

Friday, April 1, 2011


The future is not a gift - it is an achievement.

      Most Americans would agree that the future of America is our children…. So what are we doing to help our future? The key to making our Nation great, is giving our children a great education, right? So why is it that the government can rape us with property taxes but give us no choice on the public schools our children can attend. Property taxes are the largest source of funding for local services in Texas. They help pay for public schools, city streets, county roads, police, fire protection and many other services. Texas does not have State taxes, but local property taxes have increased rapidly in recent decades and are now among the highest in the nation. Property taxes in Texas are approximately 1.82 percent of a home's value, ranking the state as the second highest in the nation. This means that Texas citizens could reduce their property tax burden by moving to any other state in the nation, except Wisconsin (Who the hell wants to live in Wisconsin?).

      Let me get this straight.... I pay high property taxes that go towards for my children’s public school education but I have NO say in what school they go to. How is that fair? We live in America where everything has competition…except schools! If I buy a $100,000 home, I will pay approximately $1,820 a year in property taxes. The location of my house determines where my children have to attend school, unless I decided to put them in private school. Private schools costs an arm and leg to attend AND I still have to pay high property taxes for the public schools my children do not attend!  If I find my dream home but discover that the schools designated for that area are under par, I should not have to keep looking for a house. I should have the right to pick where my children attend school. Hell, I’m paying for their education with my property taxes!

      So what is the solution? One way I think we can make America better is by evoking School-Choice in all States. Florida is doing this and they are thriving. Here are the basic rules for this program…..

• Public-school choice:
Students in low-performing public schools may transfer to a higher-performing public school of their parents’ choice.
• Private-school choice:
Families with special needs children have access to a Scholarship Program, which provides vouchers to attend a private school of choice.
• Performance pay:
A system rewarding teachers who achieve student gains, not necessarily those who have the longest tenure. It also provides bonuses for teachers who increase the number of students who pass Advanced Placement (AP) courses.
• A+ Accountability Plan:
Requires that students be tested annually. The  students and schools are held accountable for academic outcomes.

      Give the parents the right to choose where their children go to school! Making the education system more competitive will only better the teachers and make our children smarter, giving America a brighter future.

Check out these songs (my inspiration)....

Watch these funny episode of Family Guy --
Public School vs. Private School

(working 2 jobs to pay for Private School)

(Grades in Public Schools)