Monday, March 5, 2012

The Right to Bear Arms...or Not?

     I read an article from about Open Carry Laws in Texas. This article is pushing for Texans to contact their representative about introducing an Open Carry bill. “Open Carry” is shorthand terminology for, openly carrying a firearm in public, as distinguished from concealed carry, where firearms cannot be seen by the casual observer. Today in the United States, the laws vary from state to state regarding open carry of firearms. The categories are defined as follows:

Permissive open carry states (Gold Star States)
A state has passed full preemption of all firearms laws. They permit open carry to all non-prohibited citizens without permit or license. Open carry is lawful on foot and in a motor vehicle.

Licensed open carry states
A state has passed full preemption of all firearms laws. They permit open carry of a handgun to all non-prohibited citizens once they have been issued a permit or license. Open carry of a handgun is lawful on foot and in a motor vehicle.

Anomalous open carry states (Open Carry Friendly)
In these states, open carry of a handgun is generally lawful, but the state may lack preemption or there may be other significant restrictions. The term is questionable as the limitations and/or lack of pre-emption means that certain of these states are, in their judicial system and law enforcement societies, not very "friendly" towards the practice.

Non-permissive open carry states (TEXAS)
In these states, open carry of a handgun is not lawful, or is only lawful under such a limited set of circumstances that public carry is prohibited. Such limited circumstances may include when hunting, or while traveling to/from hunting locations, while on property controlled by the person carrying, or for lawful self-defense

Gold Star Open Carry State (yellow)
Open Carry Friendly State (Green)
Licensed Open Carry State (Orange)
Non Permissive Open Carry State (Red)
Rural Open Carry State (Grey)

So where do you fall into this highly debated area?
The State constitution says, Article I, Section 23; Every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms in the lawful defense of himself or the State; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime.

The 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights says, "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

The Government has taken control over the American’s right to bear arms. I feel like the founders wanted the country to be protected, giving them the right to bear arms. In all honesty the 2nd amendment was designed to act as protection from the abuse of the government. American’s have teh right to defend themselves and their property. Of course it is a little scary when you think about crazy people walking around with guns. We have police officers that carry guns for our protection…. Is that good enough? I guess you can probably tell that I am on the fence with this debate. On one hand I am for it and on the other hand I’m scared of it. A part of me thinks that if the pilots of the airplanes that went into the Twin Towers had the right to bear arms 911 might not have happened…But would crime spread and would there be an overwhelming amount of unintentional deaths because of people walking around with guns on their hips?

What's your opinion? Watch these clips, they might help make your mind up.... or just make you laugh!