Friday, May 13, 2011


My college wrote a blog called Freedom, it is about how Americans show affection in the USA. Thi is from Vietnam and has only been in the US for about 2 years. In her blog she talks about how she loves it when she hears American’s say “I love you” or when couples give each other a kiss in public. Thi said that in Vietnam she was taught to keep her emotions to herself and that showing affection in public was considered rude.

I LOVE EVERYONE! I will admit that sometimes I get myself in trouble because I am so affectionate and outgoing… but I can’t help it! I love talking to new people and getting to know them. I make eye contact and smile a lot when I talk to people and I love to give hugs or handshakes.  I also tell my friends and family that I love them all the time. Some of my friends think I am crazy for saying it, they feel like saying “love” is a powerful thing (it is!) but I love lots of people and want them to know that! The love for my children is different then the love for my friends and the love for my family members is different then the love for a boyfriend or husband… but love is love and when you feel it, why not say it!?

We are a nation of “touchy-feely people” and I love it! I also love to 'people watch', I know it sounds creepy, but again….I can’t help it! It is so interesting to watch how men and women react to each other, especially at a bar! They lean in towards each other, looking into each other’s eyes, the girl might touch his arm while laughing (fakely) at one of his jokes, he might touch her leg on “accident” when reaching for his beer…and then by the end of the night (after a few beers) they are walking to their cars with their arms entangled with each other like they have known each other forever. It’s amazing to watch. Touching is a powerful thing!

Pregnancy! Ah, the glow of a pregnant woman is wonderful! When I see a pregnant woman it is hard for me not to reach out and touch the miraculous baby bump! I know how annoying that can be when YOU are the pregnant mom getting touched by random people (I have 3 children of my own) but those bellies just look so touchable!

I understand that some people HATE people like me, but who cares! The warm touch of another person is an amazing thing, connecting us as humans. Life is all about experiences, so make some! Next time you are out, shake a hand or give a hug to a person you don’t know and spread the love… it’s the American way!

“I love you!”

funny clips about LOVE and "touchy-feely people"

Friday, May 6, 2011

Enhanced Interrogation... Right or Wrong?

Is enhanced interrogation right or wrong?
Should American’s torture inmates that we believe have vital information?

This is a touchy subject…..I'll be honest I don't know much about torture but I DO watch the show 24 with Jack Bauer and when he tortures someone I can't help but cheer him on! All joking aside…I think certain situations call for the use of torture. If there is someone that has information that could save other people's lives and they won't talk then why not torture them? (I mean it works for Jack!) Now I do think there should be guidelines when it comes to torturing, the President should draw a line deep in the sand….like, no cutting off limbs, messing with people's genital, etc. But a broken finger or waterboarding is okay! Unfortunately the "nice guy" doesn't always win, sometimes we need to be mean in order to do what is best for the Country! I was looking at some websites to get some information on torture and I came across a PBS article about President Bush and some of the torturing/interrogation tactics he allowed on some al-Qaida inmates. The article said that "torturing" some of the detainees actually helped in getting some information.

So I vote YES, interrogate/torture someone when all other means of getting the information from the person have been used. Interrogations with torture should only be used if the information will save other people's lives! Great quote from Dick Cheney, “The easy thing to do is, well, let's not do terrorist surveillance, let's not have a robust interrogation program of these al-Qaida folks when we capture them, let's not take aggressive action to defend the nation, because then the New York Times will love us and we'll get editorials written about us all over the country and our numbers will go up in the polls."

For those of you that think I am horrible for saying that I agree with torturing people let me ask you this…..You have a 3 year old daughter who has been kidnapped. The police have a man who knows where your child is but he will not talk. Every minute that ticks by, your daughter has the chance of being murdered, raped and other children could fall victim in the future..... Do you allow torture to save your little girl?

You might say, it’s unconstitutional…blah, blah, blah….What about Americans that are being put to death with the death penalty! Is that ok? We kill people to keep them from hurting anymore people, right? Why not hurt someone to save other people? Isn’t the death penalty an extreme way of torturing someone…makeing someone sit in a cell, counting down their days to be alive. That sounds worst then waterboarding.

Some argue that if we allow torture for some cases then why not let local police officers do some torturing of their own.....Let's not get crazy here! My daughter fell victim to a sexual predator and I wanted nothing more then to hook his gentiles to some electricity and get a confession and other information to protect other children, but I couldn't.... and I totally understand that in this case it is not fair to do that! We live in America and we have the court system for those cases. Torture should be used to save lives and should only be used as a last resort! It should only be used in extreme situations. Local police officer should NEVER have the authority to perform enhanced interrogation.

So to recap…I only think enhanced interrogation is necessary when ALL other options of getting the information out of the person have been used AND if we believe that person knows information that can save lives.

Watch this video of "The View",
Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Jesse Ventura debate about Enhanced Interrogations.

"The View" talking about enhanced interrogation...Rosie O'Donald and Elisabeth Hassbeck.